This is innovative idea of Dr.Dattatraya Pandurang Rane-Principal, Maharshi Karve Model College,
This is first time attempt by MKMC in higher education colleges.
Basically Business Clinic removes the problems holding your firm/business back and wasting your time
for family and peace of mind.
In MKMC Business Clinic gives you a competitive edge, puts you on a fast growth track,
increases your revenue, and improves the efficiency of your business.
We do that using our unique evaluation process, proprietary methods, a customized approach,
comprehensive system and ongoing support.
Goal: Overall business development to increase profitability with keeping focus on people (society) and
planet (environment) also. Ultimately wealth maximization.
Benefit to MKMC Students: They can understand the real problems of business and contribute for
solutions with the help of experienced professors/experts. Also help to start their own start up.
Benefit to parents: Family business of MKMC students would get expert advice with negligible/free of