Library consists of a vast collection of various types of reading material. It has approximately 1910 books in its collection to serve the users, which includes:
Books (Text books, Reference books, books for Recreational Reading)
Reference sources (e.g. Encyclopaedias, dictionaries etc.)
Question - papers
Book Issuing Facility
Home issuing Facility - Students can get issued one book at a time on one library card for 7 days.
Staff members have access to any no. of books. There is no fixed time limit for returning the books.
Renewing Facility- Students can renew their books after 7 days, If they want to use it further.
Current Reading Facility - Students can get issued library materials on their I-Card for current reading.
Rules and Regulations of Membership
For students, membership is valid for one academic year i.e. From June to June unless otherwise extended or cancelled by the librarian.
Membership is not transferable.
All members will be allowed reading facilities and use of books and other materials in the library premises.
Issue of duplicate card – Reader who has lost the card should notify Librarian immediately about the same. Duplicate card will be issued to the reader on payment of the prescribed fine. The reader will be responsible for any loss, which the library may incur through misuse or the loss of library card.
Casual guest members will be allowed reading and reference facilities in the library premises only the Librarian has the right to withhold membership on any cause.
Issue and Return of Books
To borrow a book for reference on the premises or for its loan outside, readers will present a requisition slip at the counter
The book shall be issued to the member on presentation of readers ticket which will be retained at the library until the book is returned in good condition
Periodical publications will not be issued out of the library until the receipt of the next number
Books /periodicals must be returned to the assistants on duty at the counter
Reservation of book: A book, which is in circulations, may be reserved, by other readers
Books loaned should be returned on or before the due date
Renewal of books: Members may renew books by presenting them at the counter. Books will be renewed provided they are not in demand, no other reader has applied the same, and not more than two continuous renewals have been made
Readers shall not sub-lend library books to any person
Books lost and damaged: If a library book is lost or found damaged
The borrowers shall replace the book or pay the current price of the book as determined by the Librarian. In addition, the reader shall be required to pay a penalty of 20%
In case a book belonging to a set of series, is reported lost or damaged, the defaulter will either replace the volume lost, or to pay the cost of the entire set in case the single volume is not available for sale.