About Our College
SNDT Women's University Mumbai established in 2011, a New Model Degree College in identified educationally backward district with low GER during XI plan period for women in Shriwardhan.At present college is located at Govt.ITI Building, Ganesh Ali, Shriwardhan, Dist-Raigad.
College offers three specialization courses, Bachelor of Computer Applications(BCA),Bachelor of Commerce in Accountancy, Finance & Insurance(BAFI) and Bachelor of Management Studies(BMS).We aimed to provide qualitative & professional courses to girls students of remote villages of entire Raigad & nearby district.

Future Plan

" महिलांच्या शैक्षणिक उत्कर्षाची हक्काची जागा "
Contact Us
ITI Building, Ganesh Ali
LandLine No: 02147-223432
Contact Person: Mr.Dinesh Bhusane/ Mr. Kedar Joshi
Contact No: 99221161173 /8793857584